sketch journals
This section should, perhaps, be titled "WIPs"... as the very nature of my own sketch journals is that they are perpetual works in progress. I'm forever adding to them as I return to the files of photographs I've captured. They are a surer way of returning to the adventures than even the photos... emotional touchstones. In the case of our trip to Tanzania, they lead to a project to create a cookbook for one of the camps where we stayed. (See the end of the scroll.)
Sayari soupsThe book has 12 wonderful soup recipes from the chefs at Sayari Camp on the Mara River in the northern most area of Serengeti National Park. This project, which began over a lunch one day. The manager of the camp, familiar with my sketches, suggested that she could use something really specific to the camp in their meager gift 'shop'. The results were a real bonus to what was an amazing life changing adventure. I'll find a way back there one day.
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